Thursday, March 18, 2010


Tardiness is down. According to a recent survey, 16-percent of workers are late at least once a week and just eight-percent admit they don't get to work on time two or more days a week -- which is a four-percent drop compared to last year. A third of those who are less than punctual blame traffic tie-ups, 24-percent cite a lack of sleep, and seven-percent blame their kids or the weather. Problems with public transportation, clothing, and pets also make people late.

But some excuses are more unique. Employers are sharing some of the stranger reasons workers have given to explain arriving after their designated start time. Among the more bizarre reasons are, quote, "I got mugged and was tied to the steering wheel of my car," "I had an early morning gig as a clown," "I dreamt I was already at work," and "My dog swallowed my cell phone." Other odd excuses for tardiness include, quote, "I had to go to the hospital because I drank antifreeze," "My deodorant was frozen to the window sill," "A roach crawled in my ear," and "It was too windy."

CareerBuilder's list of the most outrageous employee excuses for arriving late to work:

I got mugged and was tied to the steering wheel of my car.
My deodorant was frozen to the window sill.
My car door fell off.
It was too windy.
I dreamt I was already at work.
I had to go to the hospital because I drank antifreeze.
I had an early morning gig as a clown.
A roach crawled in my ear.
I saw an elderly lady at a bus stop and decided to pick her up.
My dog swallowed my cell phone.