Thursday, December 31, 2009


With a brand new year upon us, says the most common resolution for the new year is to quit smoking, while getting fit takes the number two spot and losing weight ranks third. Enough people typically resolve to "enjoy life more" to give that the number four spot. A number of folks annually vow that their champagne toast at midnight will be their last alcoholic beverage, as "quit drinking" rounds out the top five. Other popular resolutions include getting organized, learning something new, and getting out of debt. Spending more time with family and helping others are also among the top ten.'s list of the Top Ten Most Common New Year's Resolutions

1. Stop smoking
2. Get Fit
3. Lose Weight
4. Enjoy Life More
5. Quit Drinking
6. Get Organised
7. Learn Something New
8. Get Out of Debt
9. Spend more time with the Family
10. Help Others